Driving from Haarlem the Netherlands to Harlem USA    (2016 - 2017)

Through 28 countries, 73.500 km in 500 days

Who are we?

Jeroen (1978) and Nicolette (1981) from Haarlem, The Netherlands

Cambodia, Angkor Wat

The Car

1995 Toyota Landcruiser HZJ75 former UN car

Thai beach Island of Koh Chang


Our favorite television programs: "Floortje naar het einde van de wereld" one episode Floortje met an Argentinian family who traveled around the world for many years now in an old timer car, had a couple of kids on the way and loved the life they led. They said that they kept postponing their dream, waiting for the right time to come. That right time didn't come and they were still at home 7 years later. They decided to follow their dream and set a date that was one year ahead, so it was far enough to not be so scary, but soon enough to start planning the trip right away. 


For us this was very inspiring and we promised each other the same thing, set a date, and began planning. 

Our Plan

  • Buy a car big enough to live in, but lean and strong enough to carry us over mountains, through riverbanks and over sandy or rocky roads
  • Prepare the car, technically and practically
  • Plan a route
  • Take a 4x4 training course
  • Arrange the documents, insurances and gear we need
  • Learn about survival skills from fellow overlanders
  • Go on a try out holiday (Norway), and make adjustments to the car and the gear accordingly
  • Give up our jobs, rent out our houses
  • Arrange someone to take care of our cats
  • Set up a website, inform family and friends 
  • Say goodbye, and leave ......

The trip



The Route

About us